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Cars We Loved in the 1980s / Книга, фото 1

Cars We Loved in the 1980s / Книга

Інформація для замовлення

Книга про автомобілі 1980-х років - Cars We Loved in the 1980s

Автор: Giles Chapman

Видавництво: The History Press


It was brash and it was loud - the 1980s put paid to the glumness of the '70s and nowhere was that more obvious than in the cars we drove, which took a quantum leap in durability, performance, equipment and style. They had to: Japanese quality and European design were luring away ever more customers. Features such as fuel injection, turbochargers, computer-controlled systems and four-wheel drive became commonplace. This was also the decade that brought us the people-carrier and the off-roader, new classes of car that radically reshaped family transport. Meanwhile, seatbelt-wearing became law, the M25 opened, speed cameras appeared and ram-raiding was the new motoring nemesis. Relive everything car-related in Britain in the 1980s with Giles Chapman.

Вага300 г
Вид палітуркиМ'який
Мова виданняАнглійська
Кількість сторінок160
Рік видання2014
КатегоріяТранспорт і авіація
ВидавництвоThe History Press
Ширина15 см
Довжина18 см
  • Ціна: 559 ₴

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